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April 26, 2021

What Does Traveling to Singapore During COVID Look Like? A Trip Across the Globe

As the vaccination rate is rising and some countries are starting to loosen up on traveling restrictions, I and my partner took the chance to fly to Singapore for our around Southeast Asia business trip in November. In this blog post, I will share with you my experience regarding applying for an entry permit, entering the country, testing upon arrival, and spending two weeks in the nation I adore./p>

Before traveling

Singapore is still not completely open to visitors. To enter Singapore, one must first obtain a Vaccinated Travel Lane (Air) (VTL) permit, which is only available to residents of the active VTL zones. Because Italy was on the list and I was fully vaccinated, I was able to receive the pass and board the trip to Singapore in mid-November.

Traveling during COVID-19 is unquestionably difficult. The procedure is convoluted, the required documents are extensive, and the wait is never-ending. However, as someone who used to travel for 200 out of 365 days before the global pandemic, I gathered my documents fairly quickly. When I finally was granted the entry permit, I was ready to go.

Upon arrival

Singapore in my mind has always been a superb country with organized and quick procedure, professional manners, and wonderful hospitality. This time was no exception. To be completely honest, I had expected to encounter some struggles when arriving since dealing with foreigners amidst the widespread virus is not an easy job. It’s totally understandable that the government should be stricter and the waiting time is longer.

Yet, the entry was smooth beyond my expectations. We were welcomed with care, compassion, and utter professionalism. After going through security, getting tested for COVID-19, and having installed a nationwide app called TraceTogether that records your whereabouts, we went to our hotel and waited for 6-8 hours until the test result came back. As it showed we were tested negative, our 2 weeks in Singapore began.

One incredible thing I noticed during my time in Singapore was that people there were very serious about wearing masks. You could get fined a hefty amount if you don’t wear a mask properly in public, although I’m sure it’s not the sole reason Singaporeans abide by the rule gravely, as my 4 years living in this country has taught me that the locals are incredibly conscious, well-mannered and respectful. In restaurants, cafes, and stores, staff uniformly kept a safe distance between each other and from the customers, which put everyone a bit more at ease when being in public.

Overall, life is very much happening in Singapore and you should have a great time here.

Physical meetings with clients in Singapore after 2 years

It is almost unbelievable how quickly time has passed. It’s been two years since my partner and I last went to Singapore to meet our clients and we were absolutely thrilled to return to our traditional business practices.

For the following 10 days, we were occupied from 10 AM in the morning till late in the afternoon with store visits and clients’ meetings. On average, we had 2-3 discussions per day, each meeting lasted for 3-4 hours. As the owners of a multinational agency that represents 40 prolific European luxury furniture brands in the Asia-Pacific region, our job is to take care of the market for the brands, pay our customers and retailers a visit to handle their inquiries, and listen to their wishes and concerns.

During these meetings, I had a surprisingly pleasant revelation. It turns out, even though it has been 24 months of not interacting with clients directly, I have not slacked off. On the contrary, I have learned about the brands my company is representing and understood them on a deeper level. Especially during the visit to the retailers’ showrooms, it was clear that my comprehension of the brand is now to the point I can look around the space and know exactly which brand would fit this particular vibe. It was such a rewarding feeling and I would never have realized this had I not been to a physical showroom in person.

Feeling at home once more

Singapore housed 4 years of my youth, where I lived, learned, and loved. Back to the land that has left the greatest impression on me, I felt this zest of life blossomed in me, because of the sunny days, the lovely atmosphere, the taste of every part of Asia all rolled into one nation which I couldn’t experience back in Italy, and the best memories once again relived.

I met my friend who I had known for the longest time. We had dinner and chatted about our life, our work, our family, and how far we have gone. I ate the Vietnamese delicacies which I had been craving for so long and they whisked me back home for a brief moment and satisfied my longing. Singapore did so much for me during the years I spent there, and it’s amazing how it continued to enrich me with brilliant encounters even further.

A trip across the globe from Italy to Singapore while originally was for business purposes has given me personal enlightenment and the best experience in a while. Singapore greeted me with the warmest welcome and once again proved to me that it always remains a country worth visiting.